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July 24, 2012
July 24, 2012 - DRAFT


Holly Palmgren, John Vieira, Tom Lynch, David Getman, and David Caporello from the PCC were in attendance.


John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

The minutes for the July 17, 2012 meeting were read and accepted with minor changes.


A continuation of a Request for Determination was opened at 7:06 for Lewis Reed, Wachusett Environmental for Wayne Norton for property located at 326 Mountain Road, Princeton for a replacement of existing septic system leaching field within 100’ of BVW.  
Letter dated 7/23/12 was received from the Princeton Board of Health.  A Negative Determination was issued Category # 3 with special conditions as written:  Erosion controls placed along driveway nearest the wetlands to stop soil migration and PCC inspection before any work is done.  Public Hearing closed at 7:11 PM.

  • Request for Determinations filed by Princeton Fire Department for maintence and upgrades to the following locations: Merriam and East Princeton Roads, Gregory Hill Road (Hall’s pond) and Hickory Drive.  Public Hearing was opened at 7:12 PM.  Closed at 8:10 PM.
  • RDA for fire pond at Mirrick, Merriam and E. Princeton Roads to install a hydrant and increase storage to meet insurance regulations.  Fire Dept. will dig down to increase storage and limit the materials removed.  A Negative Determination Category # 5 was issued.
  • RDA for fire pond at Hall’s Pond, Gregory Hill Road to install a hydrant and increase storage to meet insurance regulations.  A Positive Determination Category # 3 was issued.  PCC requested that the Fire Department file a Notice of Intent for this pond.
  • RDA for fire pond at Hickory Drive for hydrant maintence, material removed over 100 sq. yards.   PCC stated that a 401 has to be filed with DEP and that a silt curtain should be used.  A Negative Determination Category # 5 was issued with maintence for the future.        
4.      RDA for fire pond at Esty Road to replace a broken hydrant and clear for access.  A letter dated 7/22/12 was received for Emergency Notification for repair.  PCC discussed the activity with the Fire Department representative at the meeting and this was under MGL Chapter 131 S. 40.1 Maintence Exemption.  Work to be done July 27, 2012


The RDA for Jim Camp was brought to the Annex so that all could sign it from the July 17, 2012 meeting


The PCC discussed special permits for Accessory Apartments that were sent by the Building Department.

Lisa Rhodes from DEP did a file review of the PCC Files; she was looking for wetland replications in the Town of Princeton.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.